Hello Summer!
Summer Rhythm
My winter would start today if I were in my hometown in São Paulo, Brazil. The winter down there is not as rough as it is Kansas City, but we also hide under layers of clothes looking like an onion - not fun! At least for summer people like me. However, we are on the northern hemisphere, and today officially starts SUMMER!
Summertime is all about high temperatures, outdoor places and activities, water sports, refreshing cocktails, sunglasses, bathing suits, shorts, skirts, dresses, flip flops, and anything else that comes to mind to make unforgettable memories during this HOT season. I have many amazing summer memories, but today I’ll share only one of them with you.
My first summer in the U.S. happened last year. Imagine spending almost 30 years of your life, planning summer around the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Then suddenly, I'm in early June in the Midwest trying to figure it out what to do for fun in the hottest city I’ve ever lived in (without an ocean close enough!!!). WOW! It seemed to be a big problem at the beginning, but was this a real problem? Not at all. Do you want to know why? FRIENDS (not the TV show), but the real, great new friends I’ve made here. They made my first summer rock! Between shifts, workouts, pool time, a quick trip to Utah, Shakespeare in the park, delicious ice cream, and many other activities, I felt I blinked and the summer was gone - full of fantastic moments. It reassured me that the important things in life aren’t things, but the good and healthy relationships with people that we connect with. These are people that we are constantly willing to invest our time and energy in to keep them close in our lives.
We will be together throughout the next couple months updating weekly our blog with neat, hot, sexy, fun, healthy, active news about the new memories we are making this summer. Also, we would love to have your opinion about themes and read your comments under our posts. Lets find the rhythm for this summer and let’s do it together!